I'm constantly reminded about this difference because we see it everyday with well-educated politicians, company owners, bosses, co-workers, family members, friends, etc. who do some seriously stupid stuff and make crappy decisions while sitting in respected positions. We all know people that were A+ students who make choices that would earn them a D or F were there a grade for Life Choices.
What goes on in the minds of people whose actions are so opposite the intelligence they've displayed in another area of their life? How can you be so smart in a particular learning area, and just clueless in life actions? This chick was the high school valedictorian, Naval Academy graduate, a test pilot, a frigin' astronaut, and more.
So when someone goes to school and completes a huge number of courses, gets amazing grades, learns a lot of stuff, and goes on to accomplish those things that only a few people dream of accomplishing, it doesn't make them "smart," does it?
Here's an example of what I mean:
- High school valedictorian
- Bachelor of science degree in aerospace engineering (U.S. Naval Academy)
- Test pilot
- FRIGIN' ASTRONAUT!! <-do you see this? She's an astronaut! You can't be stupid and be an astronaut at the same time, right?
- Losing control of yourself and driving of 900 miles in your diapers -- so as not to have to stop to go to the bathroom -- to kidnap and murder a woman who is "your rival in a love triangle." (See: Throwing your life away). In your car, you are caught with a new steel mallet, knife, rubber tubing and large garbage bags.