In television-music, they need the music NOW!!!! and they'll send it back over and over and over again to have you re-write sections that they feel don't work for them. So there's no use slaving over it and using the "what-does-god-want-to-say-through-my-music?" technique that I tap into when composing music for myself and my CDs. It doesn't work for this gig. What works is the "how-do-you-like-your-eggs? comin'-right-up!" approach. It's very cool because it allows me to use a different's a different and very cool process for me and I'm enjoying not feeling so attached to the music.
A couple of composer friends I spoke with told me it's most always the music tracks that they didn't spend a lot of time on that seems to get the most use. And the more the music is used, the more residual income the composer earns. So for this particular gig, I'm going to put on my short-order composer hat and crank this stuff out. I might post some of them another time. As for now, bon appétit!
With the magic of PhotoShop, I can put myself in the body of a cook and my keyboard on a grill!
Dude, you're killin' me!
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