Monday, November 28, 2005

Fluffy, the Slug

I was showing my new three-year-old nephew his first slug as it was crawling across the ground. He's never seen one before. It was night time and the outside lights were making the slimy trail behind it shine. He named the slug Fluffy! LOL - FLUFFY THE SLUG! That's the world's greatest name for a metal band!!


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh... that's why I heard you guys talking about Fluffy the other night.

Gina said...

I prefer snails because you can paint their shells with nail polish and they don't seem to mind (although they do hide inside while you are doing it).

Armen said...

yeah, pimpin' a snail is easier because of the shell. may more options for cool designs!

Anonymous said...

Maybe something can be done with the cool eyes on antennas?