Sunday, April 02, 2006

Block Head and Downtown Montreal

On Wednesday, Cirque had me doing a lot of things throughout the day - things that you don't normally get to do know...your normal production-prep-type stuff...fitting for an outfit, shoe size, physical exam, setting up meetings, covering your head in plaster to take a plaster cast [insert tire-screeching sound here]. Yes, they covered my entire head with almost-ice-cold plaster for about 10 minutes. Can you say, "Breathe slowly and relax"? I did pretty well...had a hot flash as soon as the last blob of plaster covered me up and felt a rush of anxiety for about two seconds. They're very careful and if I gave them the signal, they'd strip that stuff off of my head ASAP and try a different method. But I wasn't going to let the plaster kick my butt.

The only things exposed were my nostrils, and no, they didn't have straws sticking out of them. There was music on the radio that I was focusing on as well as my breathing. After a moment I was ok and I could've sat there for another 30 minutes...I was just chillin' - pun intended. I'll post pics of the final head cast when I see it.

Thursday was quite different. I went to downtown Montreal to get my work visa for Argentina. I'm looking very forward to going there.

Some pics of downtown Montreal (click to enlarge/pop up):
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Can't go anywhere without seeing a McDonalds
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Canada is known as a peaceful country
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