Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Bug from Hell!

May 31, 2006:
Imagine that you're wearing clown makeup, a pseudo-pirate costume, you're playing keyboards with a band in front of 2,500 people as 30+ performers dance around on stage, THEN SUDDENLY YOU ENCOUNTER THIS BUG FROM HELL RUNNING ACROSS YOUR KEYBOARD!!!!
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The 1st thing running through my head was, "AHHHHH HOLY SHIT!" Then after composing myself, I continued playing through the tune while simultaneously putting it out of my misery. I would've embalmed and mummified it too except that the song was over.


Anonymous said...

Well, I don't think I'll be fixing any keyboards from you for a while. Or I'll buy a large bottle of RAID ! eeeewwwww

Anonymous said...

Kehzee g'oozer modenal, yev mertsootseer?

I think an appropriate death would have been to trap it upside down in a glass...then light a match and put in under the glass quickly and lower the glass. as the flame would suck out all the air, the bug would die a slow and painful death...to music.

Armen said...

Had I used the jar method, it would've screwed up my keyboard solo!

Anonymous said...

What people are forgetting is you finished playing and you conquered the beast from hell. All in all an awesome job, keep it up, you inspire greatness.