Monday, August 23, 2010

Video - Satellite Flyby (International Space Station)

Saw this tonight! (Watch this on youtube in HD - looks much better)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hi-Tech Piano Tuning

My piano tech, Daniel Ene, tuning my piano using computer software.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Can See! I Can See!

Hello. Radio Shack, may I help you?

(me) Yes, do you have any contact cleaner in the store?

Contact Cleaner?

(me) Yes. a high quality one in the can that won't leave a residue)

You mean for like HDMI TVs?

(me) No, for contacts, electronics --

You mean for like contact lenses?

(me) No man. It's ok. Thanks. [click]

Lesson learned:
Maybe I should have asked if he had Prince Albert in a can? I'm going to Fry's Electronics.

Update (fast forward 2.5 hrs):
It gets better. I go into Fry's...walk into the electronics section. A 20-something dude accompanied by another 20-something dude asks if he could help me.

"Yea thanks. I'm looking for a can of contact cleaner."

He looks at the other guy who shrugs. Then turns around and asks me, "You mean like for contact lenses?"

Lesson #2 learned:
I should've gone to Radio Shack. It's way closer. On top of it, the contact cleaner didn't fix my studio problem.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Blood Sport

I never thought of softball as such an offensive and hostile sport. Then again, I haven't seen this team take the field yet!