Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Jam Session

Nothing breaks up the monotony of "Groundhog Day" like a good old fashion jam session - complete with Elvis jacket! How did this come about? Well, at the premier party I met this guy named Gaston. When I told him that I was a musician, he asked, "Do you want to experience something very strange and interesting on Sunday night?" "Absolutely!" (As long as it doesn't involved the gimp).

So he tells me about his buddy who they call Baños ("bathroom" in Spanish). Baños has a gathering of friends every Sunday night to have a jam session. He's a plastic surgeon and an extremely cool guy, because the first Sunday we showed up, they were out on the sidewalk leaving the jam session! See, Gaston told me that they play till the wee hours of the morning. So we didn't think it was too late to show up at midnight. He invited us into his house and we jammed for about an hour. And when a few more Cirque people showed up at 1am, Baños let them in and hung out till about 4am. He felt so bad about his buddy Gaston giving us misinformation that he organized a special jam session a week later for the Cirque crowd. These guys even played "The Final Countdown" from 80s hair-band Europe! Too bad they didn't know any Asia. We had a blast!

Meet Baños
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Man, these people like to party!
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The Elvis jacket wasn't an option, it was a necessity!
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Haku's first time on stage playing lead tamborine!
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Left to Right: Olivier, Nuria, Svetlana, Serge, Elvis, ?, James, Benoit
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Anonymous said...

There's nothing like a good fun Jam! Boy, and Elvis! He looks fine! I knew he wasn't dead.

impro2 said...

hello Armen!
I´m "B" from wardrobe
I realy like your blog! The photos, the comments, knowing more about your work and your experience at the circus. i also listen to some music, it´s very good.
Please go on working on your blog, so i wil be able to know what are you doing in Brazil.
Thank you very much!
Sory, but my english it´s not very good

I invite you to visite my web www.impro2.com.ar

good luck!

Barbara (that´s my complete name)