Thursday, July 20, 2006

Part 2: What's in a Name...If You Can Pronouce It

I knew I should've waited one more day before I published the post yesterday. Here's the latest, and WEIRDEST screw up of my name to date:

Her: "Hello, Mr. your last name? "
Me: "Mr. your last name?"
Her: "I know (laughing). I'm so sorry. I just can't --
Me: "Can you say 'Armen'?"

She did have a good sense of humor about it and wasn't too freaked out.


Anonymous said...

Years ago we were looking for a house and we went into this one on Henry Street. The real estate agent there was a real loser and would suddenly appear right behind me on a staircase or confront my wife from a doorway. And he'd blurt out something that wasn't even in the room that we were entering. He'd talk about something else in the house. he even followed us into the basement and we kept walking while he chattered away until I saw the bulkhead. I ran out, wife in tow. We got to about the middle of the backyard and started talking in Armenian. I basically said that this loser was quite the voree dzag and I didn't like the house anyway. So we left.

About 2 weeks later we get this call and it went something like this:

Dzag: Hello, is this Mr...Mr...Cha...Can I speak to Mr. Christoper?
Me: (recognizing the voice of the Dzag) uh, no there's no Mr. Christoper here.
Dzag: I'm looking for Mr. Christopher...
Me: Well you obviously have the wrong number because there's no Mr. Christopher here.
Dzag: I'm looking for Mr...Mr...Christopher who looked at a house on Henry Street.
Me: I have no idea what you are talking about...there's no Mr. Christopher here. Are you sure you have the right number?
Dzag: (some sound)
Me: What number are you trying to call?
Dzag: XXX-xxxx that's the number.
Me: Well that is my number, but you have the wrong name. I'm not Mr. Christopher
Dzag: Did you ever see a house on Henry Street?
Me: No.
Dzag: arrgh (slams down the phone).

You can usually predict how ignorant someone is by how badly they mangle the name. It's usually the most ignorant who don't give up and try 3 or 4 times before they settle on a pronunciation comfortable for them. Most intelligent people either get it write, have the sense to go to the first name or have the sense just to ask. But completely substituting it for another name...that is signal stupidity...this guy was going to starve at the real estate business.

I can see him now: "If I could have sold that house to Mr. Ch...Chr..Christopher...I'd have made it big by now..."

Anonymous said...

I love it when people make complete fools of themselves like that. It seems that even the simplest last name can be screwed up by one stupid person or another. You gotta love the good ole US and our breeding standards. LOL