Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Super-Cool Saying!

Is anyone else out their tired of hearing the word "super" precede every adjective known to mankind? A few years ago, "It's all good" was the response I got to almost every question I posed to someone regarding a blunder.

"Why didn't you bring the money you owed me?"
"Don't worry. It's all good. I'll bring it next time."

You know what, if it was 'all good' I don't think you'd be trying to convince anyone. Thank god that phrase went by the wayside along with those jeans with the white fade on the top of the thigh area. That was certainly a fashion statement from hell that died a quick death, wasn't it? It looked super-dumb.

And speaking of 'from hell,' remember when everything was 'from hell'? The ex-girlfriend from hell, the bad restaurant from hell, the teacher from hell, the boss from hell, the job from hell, and the always-breaking-down car from hell. Things aren't so bad anymore though. These things got better because now she's just the super-crazy ex-girlfriend, it's only the super-bad restaurant...oh wait...things could've gotten worse if you consider the super-satanic boss from hell, the super-exhausting job from hell...Ok, I'll leave this thought to the super-smart philosophers of life.

I'm still waiting for the word "extreme" to come off the last batch of advertisements for products still on our shelves. I think the last bastion of solitude for this super-overused advertising phrase from hell is on a tube of Aqua Fresh toothpaste. Why would I want to use something referred to as extreme toothpaste? It makes me feel as if I'm about to dissolve the top layer of skin from the inside of my mouth and melt my teeth. I just want to clean my teeth and mouth, not give it an acid wash.

Ok, I've got to go because I'm super busy, and if I don't get off this computer my lovely wife's going to turn into the spouse from hell and open up a can of super-harsh whoop-ass EXTREME!


Anonymous said...

Ok Armen..what's your take on "HILARIOUS"?? Everything today is just hilarious, as if there is no other word in the world to describe something totally funny. I am so tired of the word hilarious, and now that you mention it, I am sick to death of "super" too! Thanks for pointing that out to me!

Armen said...

hmmm...hilarious...you're right. i hear that a lot. how about super-funny?

Anonymous said...


Doug Perkins said...

My pet peaved is the over use of the word "awesome"...if you use that to describe sneakers, peanut butter, or someone telling you that your dry cleaning is ready; what words do you have left to describe the sun, God, how you feel about your wife, th egift of music, etc.? Hey, world, remember when words had set definitions that meant something? ;-)

Armen said...

It does dilute the language a bit, doesn't it. My wife is awesome, peanut butter is yummy, and my new sneakers are cool!